To-Do List

To-Do List

The best way for keeping track of your tasks through Discord

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report-bugSends a bug report to the Portal support server/report-bug <bug>
config setupSets up config for the default list/config setup <list-channel> <viewer-role> <manager-role> [list-name]
config viewShows current configuration of a list/config view [list-name]
config editEdits the config of the given list/config edit <list-name>
config renameRenames a list/config rename <list-name> <new-name>
config defaultSets the given list as the guild's default/config default <list-name>
infoShows some information about the bot/info
item addAdds an item to the given list/item add <item> [list-name]
item viewShows the given item in the given or default list/item view <item-number> [list-name]
item editEdits the given item in the given or default list/item edit <item-number> <new-item> [list-name]
item moveMoves an item from one list to another/item move <item-number> <list-name> <new-list>
item statusChanges the status of the given item in the given or default list/item status <item-number> <status> [list-name]
item priorityChanges the priority of the given item in the given or default list/item priority <item-number> <priority> [list-name]
item deleteRemoves an item from the given list/item delete <item-number> [list-name]
item assignment addAdds the user to an item's assignment list/item assignment add <item-number> <user> [list-name]
item assignment removeRemoves the user from an item's assignment list/item assignment remove <item-number> <user> [list-name]
config setupSets up config for the default list./config setup <list-channel> <viewer-role> <manager-role> [list-name]
config viewShows current configuration of a list/config view [list-name]
config editEdits the config of the given list/config edit <list-name>
config renameRenames a list/config rename <list-name> <new-name>
config defaultSets the given list as the guild's default/config default <list-name>
infoShows some information about the bot/info
item addAdds an item to the given list/item add <item> [list-name]
item viewShows the given item in the given or default list/item view <item-number> [list-name]
item editEdits the given item in the given or default list/item edit <item-number> <new-item> [list-name]
item moveMoves an item from one list to another/item move <item-number> <list-name> <new-list>
item statusChanges the status of the given item in the given or default list/item status <item-number> <status> [list-name]
item priorityChanges the priority of the given item in the given or default list/item priority <item-number> <priority> [list-name]
item deleteRemoves an item from the given list/item delete <item-number> [list-name]
item assignment addAdds the user to an item's assignment list/item assignment add <item-number> <user> [list-name]
item assignment removeRemoves the user from an item's assignment list/item assignment remove <item-number> <user> [list-name]

To Do List Translation Update

Translation Updates Hey TDL users! As some of you know, To-Do List currently supports only English and Spanish. However, the translation wasn't complete, as command and option names weren't transl

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