

The best bot for astrology and zodiac signs with daily notifiers and translation!

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celebrityGet birthday and zodiac sign of a celebrity/celebrity <celebrity_name>
coinflipFlip a coin/coinflip
compatibilityShows the compatibility of two zodiac signs/compatibility <zodiac_sign1> <zodiac_sign2>
crystalAnswers your questions/crystal <your_question>
dailyEnable or disable daily horoscope posting for specific zodiac signs/daily <enable/disable> <zodiac_sign>
dislikesShows the dislikes of a zodiac sign/dislikes <zodiac_sign>
likesShows likes of a zodiac sign/likes <zodiac_sign>
horoscopeShows the daily horoscope of a sign/horoscope <zodiac_sign>
setchannelSet the zodiac channel for daily horoscope posting/setchannel <#channel>
infoShows information about the bot/info
inviteGet the invite link of the bot/invite
feedbackLearn how to give feedback for Zodiac/feedback
helpShows Zodiac's commands and descriptions/help
pingReplies with bot ping/ping
profileCreate and manage your Zodiac user profile to share with others!/profile <create/view/update/delete>
signGet data on a specific sign/sign <zodiac_sign>
starGet daily star rating of a zodiac sign/star <zodiac_sign>
strengthsShows strengths of a zodiac sign/strengths <zodiac_sign>
weaknessShows weakness of a zodiac sign/weakness <zodiac_sign>
zodiacGet your zodiac sign/zodiac <user_birthdate>

Zodiac Profiles Update

Profiles UpdateAdded profile view Added profile add Added profile edit Added profile deleteYou can now create a global profile that can be viewed in any server Zodiac is in: Y

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Zodiac Profile Buttons

Profile Buttons When viewing a Zodiac profile you can find out more about that person based off their Zodiac sign! View traits based off Zodiac signs along with the daily horoscope that applies

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Zodiac Daily Horoscope Notifier Translation

Daily Notifier Translation Horoscopes sent out through the daily notifier will now be translated to the guild's preferred language (can be set through community settings). **This feature is

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