



Metamorphosis (Meta for short) is an easy-to-use translation bot. It has all the translation features you need and more! What makes Meta different from other bots? Glad you asked! Our bridge feature, is by far the most uncommon feature found in other bots!


Before you can setup Metamorphosis, you need to invite it to your server. You can do that here or by clicking the Add to Server button within Discord.

Profile screenshot

Once added to your server you'll get a message, briefly explaining how to setup, however this guide will give more in-depth instructions.


Why do I need to setup the server?

The server setup is used to initially save the server language and certain features that are used for bridges.


Name Required Description Used For
language Yes Main server language Bot Language
filter-bad-words No Filter bad words in bridges Bridges
filter-links No Filter links in bridges Bridges
filter-languages No Filter user languages Server

How do I setup the server?

First of all, start out by simply typing /setup create server.

/setup create server

Command Initiation screenshot

The language option will show right away. Select the language option.

Language option screenshot

Any language you input can use either the English name, the ISO abbreviation, or the local name. All are case insensitive. This means the following commands all work for Dutch:

/setup create server language:dutch
/setup create server language:nl
/setup create server language:Nederlands

In this case, I'll just stick with English.

Language option screenshot, English chosen

If you are going to use the bridges feature, I recommend that you continue with the setup. Otherwise, you can send the message now and finish the setup. Here are 3 more options:

Options list screenshot

The first option of the three is filter-bad-words. This is a true/false option. When set to true it will filter any bad words sent between bridges. (NOTE: This will not act like a moderation bot. It'll just filter the bad words out in the linked channels.)

Filter-bad-words option screenshot

For demonstration purposes, I will turn it on:

Filter-bad-words option screenshot, true selected

Here is what we have for the command so far:

/setup create server language:English filter-bad-words:True

The second option is filter-links. This is also a true/false option. When set to true it will filter any links sent between bridges. (NOTE: This will not act like a moderation bot. It'll just filter the links out in the linked channels.)

I'll also set it to true for this example:

Filter-links option, true selected

Here is my command at this point:

/setup create server language:English filter-bad-words:True filter-links:True

The third and final option is filter-languages. This is once again a true/false option. When set to true, this option will prevent use of user-specific default languages. (See user-specific default languages.)

I will set this to false.

Filter-languages option screenshot, false selected

Here is my finished command:

/setup create server language:English filter-bad-words:True filter-links:True filter-languages:False

That's it! Send the message, and the server will be set up! Next, set up the bridges.


Bridges are channels linked together by a group. A group requires at least two channels to make a bridge between the channels. Each channel can have their own language, and messages sent in that channel will be translated to the other channels. You may have multiple groups which have their own set of channels.


Typing the command itself, /setup add bridge, will show all the available options.

Bridge setup options screenshot

name description
group Name of channel group
channel Channel to link to the group
language Language of the channel

All these options are required. A link is established within a group, groups are NOT linked!


If you do not have a group yet or want to create one, you can simply select one of the groups.

Group option screenshot


Choose the channel you want to link to the group. You can start typing the name of the channel to search for it, or it will provide a list of suggestions.

Channel option screenshot


This value corresponds to the language of the channel. You can use the English name, the ISO abbreviation, or the local name. All are case insensitive.

Language option screenshot

So far, you've setup one channel in your bridge. This means that it won't bridge yet. To use the bridge feature, you need at least 2 channels in the same group. For example, I have a second channel that's in Dutch, so I'll run the following command:

Dutch bridge command screenshot

/setup add bridge group:group-1 channel:#dutch language: Dutch

If you've followed the tutorial up to this point then you should have a working bridge. You can check this at any time with the server profile command.

Server profile command output screenshot

/profile server


The user setup is much simpler than the server setup, because there is less to configure.

user setup command screenshot

When running the command you'll see 3 required options and 2 other options.

Name Required Description Use
native Yes Your native language Viewing only
preferred Yes Your preferred language Sets the default translate language
public Yes Whether your profile should be seen by anyone Manages who can view your profile
bot No Language presented by the bot Messages from the bot will show in this language
languages No A list of languages you speak Viewing only

Default Languages

If you translate a message without specifying a language, the bot will use the user's default language if they meet this criteria:

  • The user has a profile.
  • The server allows preferred languages.
  • The user's preferred language is set.

If any of these are not met, the bot will use English.


To update any setup, (server, bridge, or user) it is mostly the same as the setup process, except you only specify what you want to update.


The following command is the base command to update server settings:

/setup update server

To update the server's language run the following command, using the English name, ISO abbreviation, or local name (case insensitive):

/setup update server language:<YourNewLanguage>


Unfortunately, bridges can't be updated. You can remove a bridge by resetting it. (See Reset: Bridge.)


The following command is the base command to update user settings:

/setup update user

To update the user's native language run the following command, using the English name, ISO abbreviation, or local name (case insensitive):

/setup update user native:<YourNewLanguage>


If for any reason you want to remove or reset a server, bridge, or user, you can do so by running the following command:


/setup remove server

This will erase all your settings and data related to your server. This is irreversible!!


/setup remove bridge group:<GroupNumber> channel:<ChannelIdOfExistingBridge>

This will unlink a bridge channel from a certain group. This is the only way to replace or move it.


/setup remove user

This will erase all of your settings and data of your user profile. This is irreversible!!


Name Groups Subcommands Optional Options Required Options description
help command Get a full commands list, or specific details on a command.
info Get info on the bot, it's developers and owners.
invite Get an invite link of the bot.
languages list, supported, bot language Get full lists of languages (specified categories).
latest Get the latest version update info.
leaderboard Get a global and server leaderboard.
ping Get the bot and api latency
profile user Get your or a requested user profile
setup create, add, update, remove server, user, bridge bot, languages, filter-bad-words, filter-links, filter-languages native, preferred, public, language Setup/update/remove user and server profiles.
stats Get stats on all language categories.
support Get a link to the support server.
translate (slash) to, from, send text Translate your message.
translate (message) to Translate any replied message.
vote Get a link to the vote page.


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